Browsing All Posts published on »August, 2018«

Looking to real alternatives

August 31, 2018


As the global economic crunch continues and seems to be worsening, perhaps it is time to look to the examples of democratic control manifest in the recovered factories movements of Latin America. There may even be sound lessons to be gained by researching what happened in Paris in 1871.

Labour needs a new revolution

August 27, 2018


Capitalism is not dying, although the system is obviously gravely ill. But it is resilient and may survive, but only at the the cost of the suffering and sacrifice of billions of working people who are likely to resist fiercely. New thinking is clearly called for.

Marikana — and the wheels keep coming off

August 18, 2018


In 2010, as he was reaching the end of his days, Henry Makgothi, former South African treason trialist and former deputy secretary general of the ANC, confided sadly: “I fear the wheels are coming off.” He was referring to the apparent inability of the vehicle of government to act fairly and decisively as nepotism and […]

Unemployment, malnutrition & decolonisation

August 13, 2018


Local production — poultry and sugar being classic examples — is being crippled by unfair competition. This means not only more job losses and suffering; in the long term it could mean the effective takeover of SA Inc, something the decolonisation lobby would do well to consider.

Hope amid the gathering fog of populism

August 13, 2018


gathering fog of poisonous populism that already threatens everyone. However, there are some straws of hope to cling to in an increasingly turbulent political sea.

Chinese loans: let’s have the facts

August 4, 2018


There have been ecstatic announcements from the SA government about money apparently pouring in from China. But these are loans, denominated in US dollars. They have to be paid back, with interest, so why is the government not making clear what the terms are. And that might include what collateral has been offered.