Browsing All Posts published on »July, 2013«

When reality seems like satire

July 31, 2013


The South African political scene is becoming increasingly bizarre; reporting reality here can often seem like satire of the most extreme sort.

The rights role of the labour movement

July 25, 2013


Fascism looms and the labour movement has a critical role to play as we face the possibility of the erosion of the democratic choice and individual rights we now enjoy

Red herring: equating socialism & nationalisation

July 19, 2013


The simple nationalism equals socialism equation, widely touted within the trade union movement, has become difficult to sustain — and was dealt with quite comprehensively more than 130 years ago.

July 19, 2013


Julius Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has now emerged as a new, self proclaimed, socialist party. It plans to stage a mass rally at Marikana on August 17, marking the anniversary of the bloody fracture in the local trade union and political environment. Dressed in their red berets, a la Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, the […]

Why Amcu baulks

July 14, 2013


Amcu negotiators are not being pig-headed in not signing peace deals. They have a rank and file to answer to.

Need to confront poisonous roots of the past

July 12, 2013


The poisonous roots of Marikana go back at least 15 years — and must be confronted if anything is to change.

Pay rises, policy alternatives & regime change

July 4, 2013


The labour movement has a number of policy alternatives that deserve serious consideration.

A micro-chip road to real democracy

July 1, 2013


Modern technology is making the bulk of humanity increasingly redundant. But the same technology could end the obscene waste of human potential.